Diary entry by Wynniekins Cutthroat, level 75 Burglar, Gilrain
Dear Diary,
I want to go back home! I really, really do! Stupid G and his even stupider, but still quite shiny bauble! And stupid people who told him about it in the first place...yes, Wyn is a bloody idiot! Did Miss Perfect and Brilliant really have to 'casually' mention that the people of the Rushgore are seeking adventures and will hand out this stupid thing that is apparently oh-so-great for guardians? Was that really necessary?!
As if the ghosts on the Field of Celebrant hadn't been bad enough... At least there I'd still been able to SEE where I was going. But those accursed reeds in the Rushgore? They are something else entirely! About six times as tall as me... Bleh! And of course we had to go out there and kill stuffs again (because the Rushgore-ians are too lazy to leave their little camps). There's turtles that are as big as my cousin's hobbit hole, I kid you not... And the bugs! Bigger than me once again, and annoying as they can punt you away from them as if they were playing...some kind of game of sports. Wynniekins = not amused! And their queen was just massive! But very stupid as she didn't know the answer to my riddles and was standing around REALLY confused for a long time and was pretty much dead before she got out of this dazed state.
But before we even made it to Rushgore, I had to do some chores again, well...of sorts. There are these ruins south of the Field of Celebrant called - and this will really surprise you, dear Diary - Ost Celebrant. Apparently some not so good things happened there years ago (or so that ghost thing person told me) and we had to help make things a bit less, um, ghostly? Anyway, one problem was that there was treasure. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but treasure tends to be a GOOD thing normally. But no, this treasure is cursed apparently, and G and I were asked to throw some HUGE chests into the Limlight river. Did I mention that said chests were huge? And heavy! I think it was all just a ploy by some robbers who just couldn't be bothered to go into the ruins themselves and just fished the shinies out of the water instead. That's what I would do, I guess...
After carrying chests and battling reeds, it was time for us to cross the river Anduin. The Great River. Like a body of water...lots of water. I totally wasn't scared. Not at all. It's just that I was happy to reach the other side as I'm, um, a very curious hobbit and wanted to see what's on the far bank, yes. What we found wasn't something to write home about. Trolls, cats, crazy Easterlings...the usual. We also found the Desolation of the Garden... It used to be the beautiful home of the Entwives the Ent Gnarlstump told us, but now it is a barren wasteland overrun by stupid trolls. As a hobbit, my heart was breaking a little when I beheld the sad state of the place. I might not like gardening myself, but this is just...
There was one thing, however, that really stood out. Something that drove home once again that we are in very much hostile lands now where even the most dreadful enemies might lurk around the next corner. We found the Fellbeast of one of the Ring-wraiths, shot down by a Rohirrim arrow. I'm worried, Diary, for without his steed, the Nazgûl must still be around somewhere...

I think I need to go have some food before all this worrying does funny things to my appetite. But before I go, I've been asked to tell you that Wynnie (the person who writes this diary for me) is writing something new. Please check out Wynnie goes Free to Play! Okay, let's see if I can find some munchies around here, wish me luck!
Wynniekins Cutthroat, signing off.